Previous Registers

Denise is the 26th individual to serve as Franklin County’s Register of Deeds dating back to 1808.

Below is a listing of previous Registers and the dates in which they served.

2018-Present     Denise Ingle Marshall

1998-2018         Lydia Curtis Johnson

1990-1998         Carolyn Amacher

1974-1990         Jean Reed

1958-1974         Roy Tipps

1938-1958         Thomas E. Gregory

1937-1938         Josephine Willis Prince Church

1934-1937         Taylor W. Prince

1918-1934         T.J. Downum

1910-1918         J.H. Lynch

1902-1910         J.A. Anderton

1895-1902         W.M. Looney

1886-1895         J.J. Martin

1878-1886         J.B. Ashley

1874-1878         N.R. Martin

1869-1874         James J. Martin

1866-1869         D.R. Slatter

1865-1866         William Stewart

July 1863-April 1865       Federal Occupation During the Civil War

1860-1864 M.G. Osborn

1856-1860 Adam Hancock

1852-1856 W.D. McNeil

1848-1852 Jesse T. Wallace

1844-1848 James L. Williamson

1836-1844 Jesse T. Wallace

1826-1836 Solomon Wagner

1808-1826 John Keeton